Feb. 21, 2025

The Economics of Connection

The Economics of Connection

Community building costs money. In this episode, I explore how IRL events and social platforms have transformed the way we build relationships, create communities, and derive value from our connections. I’m pulling from my own experience and reflections from a few sources listed below.

I’m sharing real world examples of the cost and potential revenue associated with building paid memberships and hosting in-person events as well as variations on the types of online communities that connect in real life. I also talk about ways to build authentic relationships online (read = slide into those comments and DMs!).

This episode is made for online creators, creative entrepreneurs, social media professionals, people building portfolio careers, and anyone interested in understanding the economics of community building.

Links I referenced in this episode:

  • Creator Science x Tropical MBA: https://podcast.creatorscience.com/dan-andrews-2/
  • Creator Science x School of Bots: https://podcast.creatorscience.com/natasha-willis/
  • Gen Z Tea's article on IRL communities: https://genztea.beehiiv.com/p/why-irl-communities-are-the-next-billion-dollar-opportunity
  • Creator Economy NYC: https://creatoreconomynyc.com/

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