Feb. 7, 2025

Notion AI Revealed the Blindspots in My Creative Business (And How You Can Find Yours)

Notion AI Revealed the Blindspots in My Creative Business (And How You Can Find Yours)

Notion AI is the only AI I use on a regular basis, so I decided to share with you one of it's most beneficial use cases - a strategic consultant. I asked Notion to analyze my progress on my goals for 2024 and give me a gameplan for the last quarter of the year. Here's how it went and the prompts I used.

Here's my annual planner template in Notion: https://angelahollowell.notion.site/Yearly-Digest-Template-16e087c6d52d80709c6cfabfae3c1f13?pvs=4

Try Notion for free: https://affiliate.notion.so/2067fqyapl1q

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