Oct. 3, 2023

A Binge-Worthy Recap of Honey & Hustle Season 3 | Favorite Moments, Lessons Learned

A Binge-Worthy Recap of Honey & Hustle Season 3 | Favorite Moments, Lessons Learned

In this special recap episode, we cover the highlights of Honey & Hustle's biggest season yet. With 44 interviews, the podcast crosses the 100-episode milestone and garners over 10,000 combined views and streams. Angela shares her personal journey as a host, discusses the season's recurring themes like entrepreneurship, team leadership, and mental health, and teases what to expect in the upcoming Season 4.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The podcast has reached over 100 episodes and garnered more than 10,000 combined views and streams. Season 3 alone featured 44 interviews.
  2. Diverse Themes: Season 3 covered a wide range of topics, including entrepreneurship, small business management, team leadership, marketing, personal development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
  3. Mental Health: A notable highlight was the discussion on the intersection of business and mental health, featuring guests like Dr. Nehemiah Mabry and Wells Thompson.
  4. Local Economy Focus: Angela stresses the importance of supporting local businesses and discusses the journey from being a solopreneur to a full-time entrepreneur.
  5. Upcoming Season 4: Angela teases what to expect in Season 4, including new formats and an expanded guest list that goes beyond the local triangle area.

Support the Show:

Website: https://www.honeyandhustle.co

YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSRDgLW25aGwQq3S1dAg1doxZBZyHM84B

1:1 Consultation: https://angelahollowell.lemonsqueezy.com/checkout/buy/a0d1b976-39d0-4d1f-b2ee-5f5e3e6d7691?logo=0

Linq Affiliate code "angela": https://buy.linqapp.com/discount/angela?redirect=%2F%3Fafmc%3Dangela

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[00:00:00] Hey everyone, my name is Angela Hollowell. I am the host of the Honey and Hustle podcast, a podcast featuring interviews with business owners, founders, and entrepreneurs based in North Carolina. Season three was one for the books. It is by far our biggest season yet with 44 interviews. Previously in season two, we topped out at around 38 interviews.

[00:00:20] And with the combination of all three seasons, we crossed the 100 episode mark, which is an incredible milestone for us. I really hope you guys as viewers have enjoyed the show. We have crossed 6, 000 views here on YouTube just for the podcast alone. And combined with streaming, we are over 10, 000 combined streaming and So thank you guys so much for tuning in.

[00:00:43] We hope we can double that even before we launch season four. So please continue watching, continue sharing, continue leaving us reviews and just telling us what you think of the episodes. It really means a lot and gives us an idea of how we're doing at this podcasting thing. This is a season where I learned a lot.

[00:00:58] And you know, just [00:01:00] as a host, and I hope that you as a viewer learned a lot as a host. I mean, I learned a lot about, you know, researching a lot more about pacing and interview and really just what it means to invest in the podcast. This is the first season where I've invested in editors. And, um, I want to continue that trend in season four.

[00:01:18] So if you are a sponsor, who's watching this. Are a potential sponsor and you'd like to get in front of our audience. We'd love to talk If you're a listener and you want to learn how to you know Donate or buy some of our products to support the show We will be leaving links in the description for you to check out Uh how to donate on buying your coffee how to buy our latest interview work Facebook, and so much more.

[00:01:40] Our guest talked about a wealth of things, but there were some common threads between a lot of the episodes and conversations that we had. We got to talk a lot about entrepreneurship and small business management, of course, but really what it means to lead a team of one, a team of five, a team of 10, and growing that in a way that feels right.

[00:01:59] [00:02:00] And allows you to build the life that you want around your business. Uh, we talked a little bit about marketing and branding strategies, personal development, how business owners and entrepreneurs are tackling self care, how they are taking but also taking care of their business. We talked a little bit about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

[00:02:18] I do believe that small businesses are still workplaces and how you treat yourself and the people that you work with is extremely important. And most importantly, we talked a lot about how to navigate career transitions and pivots. That there is a conception that once you start a business, you just go and grow.

[00:02:36] Uh, but the reality is you may need to change some things. You may get feedback from your customers or clients that makes you want to dive more into one service and maybe not so much into another. Or change the type of service that you offer in general. I couldn't do a proper recap episode without discussing some of my favorite moments from this season and hopefully these moments resonate with you as well.

[00:02:58] One of the things that I was really happy to [00:03:00] see come out of season three was a robust discussion about The intersection of business and mental health, uh, Nehemiah and Wells Thompson really were open and vulnerable about their experience with mental health. Entrepreneurship is definitely a test in mental fortitude.

[00:03:18] Sometimes people start easy just based on their passion, but sometimes even when you have. If you have a passion for what you're doing, it can really be hard to get off the ground. And last but certainly not least, I really appreciate all the kind words that I got to hear that were definitely a surprise to me as a host from some of the incredible guests that we've been able to talk with.

[00:03:37] First off, thanks for the nice comments. I'm not sure they deserve, but really appreciate them. And um, I'm doing, I think a lot compared to other business centers, but not doing as much as you are. And, um, and so, um, just want to make sure all the listeners know that. And we've gotten to work together on a couple of really fun projects.

[00:03:55] We worked on some bike lane stuff together. Um, and then also the [00:04:00] Sherry Beasley campaign, which, uh, was great campaign. And although it wasn't successful, still running into people from that campaign all the time. So there. There are a lot of relationships from that, that are, that are wonderful. I'd love to start off by saying thank you for sharing space with me.

[00:04:15] Honey and Hustle have been, you know, you have been connected with really profound, wonderful, loving entrepreneurs in Durham and beyond, and I'm very proud of you and wishing you so much success in your podcast, and I'm really very, very grateful. To share space with you today. Thank you for the invitation.

[00:04:38] Congratulations to you because I know this is a lot of work, right? So, uh, let's give her a round of applause. Angela, I'm proud of you for real. There were a lot of lessons learned during this season, and I really hope that some of the takeaways that you got were that business success does not come overnight.

[00:04:56] I think it's very, very easy for us to look at the people who are in the [00:05:00] millions, who have sold a company, who are looking to sell a company, who are, you know, placing a really, really huge emphasis on scale and growth. But what about the people who are right down the street, who make our local economy what it is?

[00:05:13] You know, how can we grow from, you know, maybe 1, 000 a month in our side project to 10, 000 a month as a full time entrepreneur? You know, how can we grow from being a solo operator or a solopreneur to having, you know, three to five, maybe even 10? People who are working with you to grow your business and to maintain your business and operate it on a daily basis.

[00:05:34] Um, I think it's very easy to lose sight of, you know, the steps between starting and reaching the pinnacle of the arbitrary number that is 1 million dollars or 5 million dollars or 10 million dollars. And really, uh, what it takes on a day to day basis to maintain and grow a business. In season four, we're really hoping to build on all these incredible stories that we've been able to share so far.

[00:05:59] We are [00:06:00] hoping to get a few of our dream guests on this show. On the Honey and Hustle website, we have a list of dream guests. I would love to hear in the comments who you think we're going to try to get on this show and who we've been successful in booking so far. I think that's always fun to dream big and to not let that stop at, you know, my main business, which is Rootful Media, but to dream big here in this show as well, and to think about all that it can be.

[00:06:24] And we're definitely. Going for that in season four, um, season three was split between doing about the first half of the season in person and the second half of the season virtually, um, we're going to do something similar in season four. I think that format just really works well and doing it remotely is going to allow us to reach people outside of the triangle.

[00:06:44] So. We're going to have businesses outside of the triangle in season four. We'd love to hear in the comments who you think we should have on the show and who you think we may be having on the show. Um, we're really excited for those episodes. As always, we'd love to hear from [00:07:00] you, you know, definitely feel free to reach out if you have suggestions for the show, suggestions for guests, um, thoughts on any episodes.

[00:07:07] If you want to leave us a review. Our rating on Apple, Spotify, Podchaser, GoodPods. We welcome all of that and we greatly appreciate everyone who already has. So that's all for season three. Can't wait for the next one. See you guys there.